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The next step in your wellness journey begins here!

1-on-1 Coaching

Are you…

  • Desperate for action, but overwhelmed with where to start?

  • Curious how holistic modalities could help, but unsure which are for you or if they even work?

  • Feeling defeated from the diagnosis and craving direction?

  • Frustrated with the one-size-fits-all approach and craving a unique wellness roadmap?

  • Ready to get out of the passenger seat and into the driver’s seat of your journey?

    My promise: After working with me you'll have an actionable roadmap and the confidence to step into the role of CEO of  your health journey. 


I'm ready to create my plan!

3 Month Partnership:

For those ready to get in the driver's seat of their health!

- 10 one and a half hour sessions booked based on your schedule. Would you rather meet once per week or have a few sessions in a row before waiting a few weeks to move to the next stage? YOU decide what works for you!

- Roadmaps,  detail information, and at-home exercises based on your unique wellness needs

- You'll leave this three month period with a comprehensive plan and a strategy to hold yourself accountable ensuring you see the results you crave. 



I'm ready!

Single Session Deep Dive:

For those curious, dipping their toe in the water 

- single 1.5 hour session

- Dedicated time to dive into a specific topic or concern

- Feeling stuck with your current wellness plan and looking for someone to provide a new perspective, a single session might be just what you need. 

- While this session will not be nearly as comprehensive as the 3 month partnership, it's a great way to take a first step. The first step is the most important of them all!



Yes please!